It isn't that I don't have anything to write. I have too much to write.
The reason I haven't posted more is that my thoughts are 1,000,000,000 jumbled images and its hard to confine them to a single purpose or thought.
I have a lifetime behind me and, hopefully, a lifetime ahead. So, I'm just letting it flow. I don't have time to edit. I can't spend all my time making sure I'm telling the best story. I've still got to live a life, remember. I'm just going to tell the truth.
I've got stories to tell. I think crazy thoughts all the time. So, from this moment forth, I'm sticking it out there. Unrefined ranting, if you will.
What do I have to lose? I mean, besides the 4 or 5 people who tune in here from time to time, that is.
I want you to know me. I don't want to go away and leave these thoughts unsaid.
Here we go!
Damn, you sure shave up purdy.
Thanks. I think I have the Kevin Spacey smirk going pretty good in this one.
That's where the "I'm great" came from on my blog earlier today. We're spacey....
you'll like what I'm going to send you.
Months ago when I first started blogging you told me to screw the spelling and grammer. I forgot, and your right, it does get in the way of what you want to say, need to say, the flow of thoughts and the pressure to get it out.
Thank you for the blogging tip, and I'll come back here more offen so as not to forget and to learn even more.
haaaaay.... *giggle*
Truth, I pretty much do the same...When I get to typing I'm not sure if I have allready said it or what but, I just ramble on feeling like if I need to say it again, I do...
Nice pic...thanks for sharing it and your thoughts...
Uhhhh, Susan, tread lightly. Lilly is showing signs of Green-eyed Monster Syndrome. You know, that thing folks get when they feel you are infringing on their territory? Well, Truth and Lilly have this special friendship so heed this warning. I wouldn't want to go toe to toe with Lilly. She liable to whip my arse, if you know what I mean. LOL.
Truth, I've always heard people say so-and-so "wouldn't know the truth if it was staring them in the face". Well, now I can say I do.
I also believe if people can't handle who I am without all the dressing up and polishing, I don't need them in my life. Be who you are, with all the imperfections God enhanced you with, and let the chips fall where they may.
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