your bestest friend

if you believed in me
you could tell me the truth
about what you've done
you'd stop hiding from me
all the things you believe
I would frown upon
if I looked hard enough
through all of your stuff
I know I could find the proof
But I'm not your mother
and your not my daughter
so just tell me the truth
my best friend
i'll pretend
cause i don't wanna know
i feel sick,
and desperate
cause i don't wanna go
but how can i live
with a liar
i can't even stand to hear
a stupid liar
is this really your opinion of me
that i'm so gullible to believe
anything that you may say
when everything i see
tells me every word you say
is just another stupid lie
to cover up a lie
to cover up your life?
If I was seventeen
I'd probably do something mean
but that doesn't work for me
I'd punch you in the face
I'd move out of this place
but that just doesn't work for me
so instead
i'll go to bed
and tomorrow will follow tomorrow
yes, tomorrow will follow tomorrow
until i forget to remember
how much i hate you right now.
p.s. that was so well-written, I'm going to submit it to a writer's site in your name...
someone disappointed me recently. you ever have someone you care about do something that you didn't know whether you were more angry at them for doing it or more disappointed and hurt that they didn't think more of you than that or more disappointed that they were dumb enough to do it.
one of those kind of situations.
thanks for the compliment. i've been trying to meld keeping it real and honest with making it readable.
idealistic people sit in the director's chair and scoff when the actors are impromptu...
Thank you for being a friend.
very well said, truth.
been there. felt all that.
never could express it as you did.
ps i will never lie to you, and you can always consider me your friend.
what a lie.
how do you know it's a lie, steve?
huh huh?
cause you tried to get me robbed and killed...
I don't remember her ever promisin she wouldn't...
trust me, i have the resources and the intelligence, that if i wanted to have you robbed and killed, i would of, and could of, and can.
i would never do anything to harm you, unless of course provoked, and i think that you know that steve.
dangerous you!
yeah ok.
i already told you that you were the most dangerous one in the family.
where is truth?
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I ate at Church's Chicken Wednesday night and paid the price. I just woke up and it's Friday.
Never again.
was lilly there high-fiving the brethren?
no, i was next door at mrs grace's and got a 5 dolla reading.
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