Hurt people hurt people

Okay, I can't take credit for the title. Just a saying I read now and then in the self-help section of the bookstore.
Last night, was a perfect example of the phrase.
It started when I went to fill the bathtub for my son's nightly bath. I started to turn the water on when I saw one of those spider-crickets (cave crickets, camel crickets whatever) bending his antenna at me. I've become a master at catching those varmints in recent years, mainly because my house has an abundance of them. Once, while shimmying around in the crawl-space beneath the house, I had about 40 of them jump on my face. While the incident generated goosebump pimples where I didn't know they would grow, it helped me overcome my fear of the vile things.
I was feeling humane and decided to capture the thing and set it free outside. Somewhere not so deep in the subconscious, I was hoping God was keeping a record of this for judgement day. The trick to catching these things is to go the opposite of where you think they'll jump.
This time, however, I didn't even have to catch him. I put my hand out near him and said "Come on, little fella. I'm going to help you". Amazingly, he just crawled up in my hand and waited as I carried him to the back-door.
That freaked me out a little and I had a slight distracting thought of people being reincarnated as insects being one of the levels of hell.
Because I was barefoot and the ground outside was wet, I balanced on my big toe on the threshhold as I leaned outside to put my new friend softly to the ground. I mentally patted myself on the back for my good deed when suddenly--
Immense pain blinded me to everything before I identified it as coming from my big toe. "Dammit" popped out of my mouth effortlessly and then I turned to see my son had playfully slammed the door on my toe.
Although in my mind I paused, outwardly it wasn't enough for my son. I turned to him and lashed out yelling "DON'T......EVER......SLAM......THIS.......DOOR......AGAIN!!!"
He stooped and cringed to the ground like a dog expecting to be spanked and crawled under the table.
My wife ran downstairs to see what was going on and helped coax him from beneath the table. His face immediately broke into tears and now I not only had pain screaming from my toe, but guilt filling me from my toe to my head.
My pain would go away after a couple of Motrins and a shot of Vodka or 6. I had hurt my son on the inside, however. And how long it would take for that pain to go away, I could only guess.
Suddenly, I was hoping God didn't have his eye on me after all.
I did all I could do to help remedy the situation. I said "I'm sorry for yelling at you son. I shouldn't have done that. I know it was an accident"
By bedtime, Sawyer's actions said he had forgotten the incident. Daddy wasn't the red-faced devil anymore. Just daddy. But somewhere, deep inside, he'll always dread making the devil come out of daddy.
Hurt people hurt people. But I would give my big toe to take back my harsh words to my son.
Truth.. You are a great guy with a great heart... I really 'felt' this..
The cricket part of this reminds me of a story that I must post one of these days of how hundreds of crickets helped me with a payback...
I know that feeling of inadvertently hurting your child and the regret you feel over it.
i guess we're seeing which one of us can go the longest without writing anything.
when lilly left me, i lost all passion...
From what I can decipher and surmise from your writings is that your consistency of kindness and love toward your child will more lean toward a future of good feelings toward his in general.
If I was to guess the worse fall out from this incident...I would have to guess that your son may stub his toe badly in the future and cry out in pain, perhaps curse..loudly. But to think of his daddy as the devil? Nah. The majority of consistency of love, compassion and a, "conscience" which you truly express to have, would more than overcompensate for a few, "rough patches/fallings" that may happen through the years.
We all do things we regret in long as it's not consistent and of course the measure of the infraction is important too. I suspect your son loves and admires you and knows that Daddy gets mad sometimes at doors, etc. but still loves his son in spite of it. Don't beat yourself up too much, from what I read on the lines and in between... I think your a super dad that loves your son immensely.
I hope your toe is all better now and your gentle heart. Oh and I hope the cricket made it safely away. There is a type of soil you can buy in a gardening place...the darn name escapes me right now..Diazime .... no thats not sounds like that.
It's used to keep away black carpenter ants too. Crickets hate it's like cryptonite to them. Look into it and sprinkle it all around the outside of your house. It should help a lot.
All things living and breathing are God's creatures, if there is another way to deter one of God's creatures from ruining/harming your house, family etc. It is always best to seek that way.imo
To kill any of his creatures for no reason or just to avoid an annoyance or a possible problem is not only unfair but cruel in my opinion. I was happy to hear you spared the little cricket. I suspect a new respect will come to you from the bug ya haven't been stung by a bee in a long while.
: )
Yes, I really do believe in that stuff.
Enjoy your Fourth.
God loves you and always has imo.
Thanks jiminy for your heart-felt words. It's now August 9th and this is the first time I've seen them.
I've been distracted.
Thanks also for the advice on the soil additive. I'll give it a try.
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