the only thing that kills them

When we threw the bucket of barbie dolls into the pool, we weren't prepared for what would happen next.
The naked plastic barbies expanded to lifesize cheerleaders and began clawing, biting, pulling hair,
and tearing each other to pieces.
I turned and saw my sister and my son standing on the cement at the edge of the pool. She bent and whispered something into my son's ear, smiled broadly, and jumped into the water - right in the middle of the death-fight. I quickly ran to try to pull the green plastic cover over the top of the pool to mask the sight from our eyes.
Along the edges, where the cover did not reach, we saw the water turn from light blue to black red.
I knelt in front of my son and asked him what my sister had said to him.
He stared blankly ahead and flatly uttered "She said it looked like fun."
i've tried herpes spray and it killed everything within 923 miles...
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