hello from the asylum

We are like two prisoners
in our own little cells
tapping on the wall
so we won't be alone.
I put Pepto in my gas tank
and the car still runs
but much slower than before.
I got hit in the nuts one time
by an errant soccerball
when I was nine.
My lesbian gym teacher
tried to show compassion
but her face failed her.
My son won't show me love
or look me in the eyes
but he talks about me every second
that I'm gone.
In two days
I'll be thirty five
It's on a Thursday
and I just realized
that the best part of a birthday
is it's the only holiday
where you're the only one
that gets presents
and you don't have to shop for anyone else.
February is short
March is long.
Be strong my prison buddy
be strong.
"but her face failed her" man, i'm gonna steal that one...
happy birthday.
hail to the thief.
i've found that aging is rarely gradual. it seems like I'll be going along just fine and then, BAM, I age 10 years overnight. this year i've gone from a boy to a man. kinda late, i know, but it's been a thorough transformation.
I feel your pain about taking a shot to the nuts. At about that same age I ate it on my bike and lefty swelled up like a baseball. To this day its sensitive, but apparently it still works OK. Never occured to me to blog about it tho :Þ
Thanks Granny and Aye. Preciate the birthday wishes.
Ok, I'll try this one more time. Let me introduce myself again second or third time.? I am pank cricket...happy belated b-day
you write well, so does your buddy but I don't think he likes bugs.
Perhaps, you don't either? I will survive if you don't. I have had my legs ripped off in the past but the lucky thing is...they grow back.
Have a nice day and make sure you always tell the truth and brush your teeth before bed.
I like swimming in sewers and peeking in locker rooms. Sometimes, I stay up real late and chirp all night.
Thanks for the visit to my site : )
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