last night's dream

We sat at the picnic table on your carport
You were drunk again
The wind blew the cigarette ashes across the table
While your bruised and battered wife
Fretted that something was going to set you off
There was a storm brewing
And the dark thunder was my heart beating.
All your sorry, no-count friends were there.
The ones who just laugh when you act like an idiot.
The ones that were too scared to call you on it.
I was just a stranger and you were trying to size me up
Your wife had let me in while you were gone fishing
Because I was stranded with no way to get home.
Now you asked me questions. Looking at me, and then your wife, as if there
Were some invisible ping pong ball bouncing back and forth between us.
I could tell you were itching to beat her again.
This time, you might even beat up on your 4 year old daughter, too.
That’s what made you feel like a real man.
Helped you forget that you were a little failure with no education
Living in a small dirty house drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon to forget your daddy.
Forgive me for being out of the know, but what/where is the green bean?
downtown on elm in between the old blumenthals and washington st. on the east side of elm. these guys are great and so's the coffee. this is an internet/coffee shop for the mid-wonderful.
it's sat. night
i put your bestest friend poem, in your name, on
click on to see what other writers think.
the response is overwhelming!
wow. that was a very nice thing to do. i read the comments, which was a little intimidating, and I really appreciated them.
I noticed that my your should have been a you're and I got the points made on the imperfect caps.
But that was pretty cool.
I didn't spend much time on writing that piece which is probably for the best.
i wish you'd start an account there and expand your field a touch. your words are so brutally divine. much love...
i'll give you a topic: why you aren't as insecure as you used to be. what changed it? discuss...
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