the other realm

Okay. I admit it. As much as I try to keep an open mind, when people start talking about their encounters with the supernatural (ufo's, ghosts, telepathy, esp, prophetic visions), I always think they are lying for attention. I also tend to lose respect for them.
It's not that I don't believe there is another realm of things we don't see or understand. I just don't believe their stories are very credible. Maybe it's because people try to embellish things too much to make a good story. I don't know.
That being said, I've had some experiences that I think fall into that realm. They almost always occur in my dreams but a few have happened while I was awake. They are rarely obvious until later examination or some event happens that makes them hit home.
I don't believe dreams are just reflections of things that are in our subconcious. At least not my dreams. I believe they are a gateway to another level of the universe--another level of spiritual conciousness--that we cannot visit with our earthly bodies. I believe the places we visit in our dreams are very, very real. This level of the universe does not follow rules of time and reality as we know them. It is beyond our understanding and comprehension. Our world and the dream world do share some very recognizable aspects, however.
Often our dreams mock what we consider our real lives. They often involve earthly events, people and places that we recognize. But they are not the same. They are not solid but liquid.
Other times we may dream of places we've never been, fantastic worlds rich in color and enormous landscapes that would be impossible to achieve in our world.
Ever wonder why we forget our dreams after we awake? Ever wake up and have a clear picture of a dream but by lunchtime can't remember a single detail? My theory is that we would go mad if we could remember all the details and forgetfulness is a protection from God.
Let me give you a few examples and I'm sure I'll share more in the future. These are not embellished and therefore may not impress you.
Early Wednesday morning, I dreamed that a young lady had died. I recognized her but could not tell from where I knew her. In my dream there was a open-casket visitation on the sidewalk outside where I work. I walked down with my co-workers to view the body.I felt tremendously sad. Still, I did not recognize the lady. She had dark hair and was very attractive but I did not know her face. I did notice that her feet had been torn away and only jagged flesh remained at her ankles. As I stood beside her looking at her dead body, she suddenly began to move and looked as if she was attempting to climb out of the coffin. She was still dead but it was as if she didn't want to be.
The next day, I was going through some papers and came across an obituary for a lady friend of mine. When I read the obituary, I discovered that she had died, on a Wednesday, almost exactly one year ago. The young lady in the casket did not look like the woman I knew -- she was much older when she died. But I knew right away that the woman in the casket was her, only younger. Subconcious? Possibly. I don't believe that.
Here's one more example. Explain this as subconcious. When I was young, probably 4 to 5 years old, I saw the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on television at my grandmother's house. It was the first time I think I had ever seen them. I was immediately filled with dread and terror looking at the two towers. Several times over the next few years I had nightmares about those towers. The nightmares only involved the towers standing there, often with a reddish tint enveloping them and an almost choking, ominous feeling. These dreams occurred when I was probably between the ages of 4 and 7. I realize now that the WTC was constucted around the time I was 2 or 3 and perhaps the broadcast I saw was showcasing the finished product.
The dreams stopped but every time I would see those towers (which I admit wasn't very often) I would remember those dreams and the dread that came with them.
Then September 11th happened and everything took on a completely different meaning. Subconcious? Yeah right. Coincidence? Maybe.
You don't believe me do you? You think I'm lying. But I know I'm telling the truth.
I guess the only problem with dreams is that we have absolutely no control or true knowledge of them and no way to obtain any more knowledge. We aren't really meant to understand them. They exist for a purpose. I think it will all become clear one day. If you pass over before I do, would you come visit one time and let me know?
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