A whine about whining
I'm sick of this generation.
Americans are the most spoiled, self-indulgent, impatient, rude, proud, and insolent people in the world.
I probably sound like Reverend Wright don't I?
But in large part, it's true.
Here's the kind of junk I hear daily:
"I can't believe that girl in Customer Service treated me that way. I spend good money here"
"That guy needs to go on. How come every time I'm in a hurry, the car in front of me goes so slow"
"I can't believe the price of milk. Can you believe it's $4 a gallon?"
"I don't know what she thought she was doing. Like I'm gonna take that from her"
And it goes on and on. Ask yourself, how many minutes or hours do you spend griping every day?
Okay, before I go further, let me explain, this is my rant. My gripe for today. It's about griping and ranting and other things I'm sick of.
I'm sick of the government bailing out people for spending money that wasn't there's. I'm sorry you bought a $400,000 3,500 square foot 5 bedroom/3.5 bath house with double garage for you and your wife and only child at 2% variable rate interest and NEVER considered the fact that your interest rate might go up from the all-time low mortgage rates of your lifetime.
I'm sorry that you got a second mortgage to buy that brand-new gas-guzzling SUV with dual DVD players in the back seat to ride to the store and back over and over and over again.
I'm sorry that your credit cards are maxed out because you just have to have all of your desires fulfilled immediately.
I'm sorry that the cost of milk seems to bother you but you find a 52 inch flatscreen television, a digital cellphone with camera and mp3 player, a GPS, a DVR/Tivo, RoadRunner internet, a $850 pure-bred, and 2 cases of beer to be ESSENTIALS in your life.
People have this false sense that things are okay because they are spending money that isn't theirs. You remember back in the past when people were poor and we didn't have all this STUFF? We didn't have HUGE houses with walk-in closets and garden tubs and built-in everything? We didn't go to the doctor everytime we sneezed or something "felt funny". That's cause we didn't spend money that wasn't ours.
We aren't the richest generation. We're just the generation that spends like there is no tomorrow. And not one bit of it satisfies. Not one bit of it. We're on 5 different prescriptions and we feel like crap. No wonder the cost of healthcare is sky-rocketing.
I'm not innocent. I've been caught up in it myself at times. Spending money for no reason other than the small second gratification of spending it.
When I think of the amount of money I've spent on Diet Pepsi's, cigarettes, doughnuts, chewing gum and other oral fixators over the years, I want to puke.
And here's the problem:
The money is running out. You see, our economy is completely built on buying stuff. That's cause all our jobs have become retail and service jobs. The only manufacturing that is done in this country involves cars and houses. Most of what we buy comes from China. What are other countries buying from the USA? Name something.
So when people stop buying because they've simply run out of money and can't get anyone else to lend them more, what is gonna happen? All those retail shops, hotels, department stores, restaurants, golf-courses, even doctor's offices are gonna shut down. That means you're gonna be out of a job. And what's gonna replace it? Can we all live off of a government that has no income coming in?
You think I'm doom and gloom. You're dang right I am.
How much money do you have in savings right now? How much in equity? How much in credit card debt, car loan debt, home loan debt?
What would happen if you didn't receive your paycheck for the next 2 months?
We're living large, alright. But that big monster in the rearview is getting closer and closer every minute.
And we deserve everything we're gonna get. Unfortunately, there are some who've done things the right way and they're gonna get pulled right down with the rest of us.
Sorry, no spell check here. That's how you know it's a rant.
Happy Monday.
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