Batman Begins

I walked slowly, following the miniature Batman as he raced across the soft grass towards the front door of the neighbor's house. He pressed frantically on the doorbell and then began banging loudly on the storm door. By the time I saw the movement of shadows inside, I had made my way to within feet of the superhero.
Inside, an older lady looked out and then down at the source of her disturbance. While smiling, she reached out and pushed the door outward.
Tonight was a special night. It was the first time I had taken my youngest son out trick-or-treating. He is 3-years old and is still in the process of learning the proper halloween etiquette. Rather than the standard plea of "trick or treat", my son prefers a different approach in collecting candy. His style is more ambush than anything.
As soon as the door opened, he pressed his way inside and began a quick scan of his surroundings. When the candy was detected, he marched towards it and began filling his bag--piece after piece. He didn't entirely forget his manners. He muttered 'please' and 'thank-you' in no particular order after retreating with more than his fair share of sweet stuff. With the home-owner still reeling from the candy-attack, little Batman retreated towards the door, looking to make a quick escape.
The old lady tried to compliment his costume. She started "Aw, aren't you cute little--" before she realized she was talking to the air above the front steps. No time for small-talk, lady. The little brat was halfway across the lawn geeking towards his next candy fix.
I stood proudly and watched my little boy conquer the neighborhood.
Candy-man. Like father, like son.
"i can see in that got some canny..."
ya shoulda posted a pic of Sawyer.. Sounds like you had fun.. Glad your feeling better..
Here's the pic
Awwwwww.. Thanks! I knew he would be just as cute as he is.. ummm, does that make sense??
Awww cute boy ya got there!
Love the name Sawyer
: )
Glad you are feeling better.
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