I've quite smoking, drinking, etc. So now what? I'm still well over 200 pounds and feel like crud.
So, I tried something new. It's called a water-fast. For about 40 hours, I lived on nothing but water. Trying to sleep the second night was like a little preview of hell. Muscle pains, dancing nerves, cold chills, delirium. All this caused by the body searching out toxins to digest because there is little food left.
But I felt great when I woke up the next day. And I wasn't hungry.
Today, I've decided to push it a little further. Instead of 40 hours, I'm gonna try 240 hours.
Ten days existing only on water, unhealthy deposits, tumors, and that gum I swallowed in 1994.
If I survive, I'll let you know.
A current picture is forthcoming. That will be the before. in 10 days, you'll see the after.
Depending on how I feel at the end of day 10, I may go longer.
Jesus made it to 40 and he was still strong enough to carry a cross.